INSIGHT Business Systems (IBS) provides boutique consultancy services in Silicon Valley for early stage companies, focusing on four areas:
Innovation is key to entrepreneurial success. That's not only true on day one, but becomes a key element over the life of the company. It never goes away as an issue. Even the best entrepreneurs quickly come to realize that success may be fleeting. In fact, many of the best entrepreneurs sport another key trait: humility. It's this humility that helps keep entrepreneurs hungry and willing to adapt. No matter how successful one may be today, he or she must always be looking to tomorrow. One must also stay attuned to changes in the marketplace and the world. Innovation is key to the evolutionary process. It’s not a one-time thing, but must be an indigenous part of any business.
“Facias Melius aut Moriaris.” [Latin for, “Make a difference, or die,” the motto from one of our early startup companies]
“Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” - Dr. Albert, Szent- Györgyi
>> Click here to send email inquiry about Innovation Services
Managing GROWTH
With a little luck, a lot of hard work, market savvy, and some cash, businesses will grow. That sounds good. But growth comes with hidden challenges, too. Growth in and of itself poses new problems on top of any market-related challenges a business may face. There is a trick to managing growth. One must always be looking toward the future, making plans accordingly. On the other hand, one must not get too far ahead of the business. Being too forward-looking can drain the bank account, and doesn’t necessarily solve immediate problems. Overly ambitious plans can kill a company. It’s tricky. Remember that companies are built on systems, not spreadsheets. One must decide which systems to implement, and when. Failure to step up to the table on these issues can be critical. The savvy entrepreneur builds growth of systems into the core strategy of the company.
Operating decisions, it is said, are often obvious. 80% of what needs to be done is obvious, and is based on common sense. So what’s the hidden problem here?
“Common sense is not so common!” - Fred Adler
>> Click here to send email inquiry about Managing Growth Services
Financial spreadsheets and projections are great, but can be grossly misleading if not done carefully. One must deeply think through the implications of various ideas. There’s no better way to do that than through rigorous financial modeling. At the end of the day, people want simple answers to complicated questions. They also want those answers to be well thought through, not pulled out of a hat. Careful financial modeling can play a key role in establishing credibility with any interested constituency.
Two famous lines relate to this:
“If I had more time I'd write you a shorter letter.” - Mark Twain
“Always go for simplicity on the other side of complexity.” - Steven C. Brandt
>> Click here to send email inquiry about Financial Modeling Services
>> Click here to read what Bob Newell and Professor Mike Lyons have to say about financial modeling
With decades of experience with dozens of startup companies, we’ve seen a lot. We’ve seen some things that have worked, and some that have not. People love growth. But they learn more through the trying times. Life, and business, involve both.
It’s been a privilege for Insight to help others grow personally and professionally. Lessons from the past often help form thoughts for the future, encouraging today’s leaders to break through boundaries, and achieve beyond what they ever imagined. Providing this kind of advice and counsel has been one of the most satisfying parts of Insight’s business.
“Coaching is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” - John Crosby
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>> Click here to read what three young professionals have to say about Peter's coaching